Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Email to Staff Members

The following email was sent to participating Staff on Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 4:12PM.

Subject: eCAFE reminder

Dear ,

The UH eCAFE (Course And Faculty Evaluation) pilot test is underway. If you have not already done so,
please visit to setup your department surveys. You have until the end of
this week, Friday, February 15th. After the 15th, you will be unable to make any further changes.

Starting Monday, March 3rd, your instructors will be able to log in and make any allowed changes to
their surveys. On that date, we will be sending you an email to forward to your instructors. The notice
will introduce eCAFE, what it is, and what is expected of them.

Thank you again for volunteering to participate in eCAFE. If you have any questions or concerns, please
feel free to contact us by email or phone ().

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