Friday, March 14, 2008

Want to request a feature?

If you want to request a feature, please answer the following questions:

1.) What type of user is the feature for (Staff, Instructor, Student, or Administrator)?

2.) What should the feature do?

3.) What page would the feature be added to?

4.) What sort of forms/buttons are needed to make it work?

5.) What happens when you submit the form or click the buttons?

6.) How many people would be using this feature? (estimate)

7.) How frequently would this feature be used? (ex: every login, once a semester, once ever, etc)

8.) How important is this feature? (ex: Not very, somewhat, a deal breaker, etc)

9.) How tech-savvy is the typical user of this feature?

10.) What other details would a developer need to know to make the feature work the way you envision?

Please include your contact information so we can reach you to discuss the possibilities. Feel free to email your contact information if you don't want to post it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greetings eCafe Support Team,

Please see the following enhancement request to allow our students in low enrolled sections to recieve a survey:
If you want to request a feature, please answer the following questions:

1.) What type of user is the feature for (Staff, Instructor, Student, or Administrator)?
The feature would affect both Instructors and Students

2.) What should the feature do?
The feature should be able to group all low enrolled students into a pool that is large enough for them to receive a survey. For example: If an Instructor is teaching a DE course with multiple crn’s and there are one or two students in each section, today, they would not receive a survey (2 or less students do not receive survey due to confidentiality issues). If the instructor had a means of batching all of the crn’s into one larger entity, they would then get the survey provided there were more than 2 total students.

3.) What page would the feature be added to?
The feature would be invisible to the students. The Instructor could either self group or it could be an automated process, which would be the preferred method.

4.) What sort of forms/buttons are needed to make it work?
This would depend on the fix employed. A button that says “group crn’s” could be used if Instructors had to self group, and no button at all would be needed if the process were automated. A diolog box that pops up when crn’s are being grouped to make the Instructor aware of the change would be nice but not required.

5.) What happens when you submit the form or click the buttons?
Selecting the crn’s that you want to group and hitting the “group” button would enable the crn’s to be batched into an entity that would allow enough student into it that would allow them to be able to take the survey.

6.) How many people would be using this feature? (estimate)
I have no estimate for the number of people that would use the feature. I could quantify this if the enhancement comes into consideration. I’d rather not take the time to quantify the number until that time, but would be glad to get the number when the time comes.

7.) How frequently would this feature be used? (ex: every login, once a semester, once ever, etc)
Once a semester.

8.) How important is this feature? (ex: Not very, somewhat, a deal breaker, etc)
According to my boss it is important enough that I am making a formal enhancement request for it. The number of DE courses is sky rocketing and I think that this will be even more important going into the future, particularly with the current economic condition of the country. More folks going back to school, more opportunity/demand for DE courses.

9.) How tech-savvy is the typical user of this feature?
Not very. Suggest making this as invisible as possible through automation.

10.) What other details would a developer need to know to make the feature work the way you envision? I think that relying on the CC’s to produce a list of groups to be used ever semester would prove to be unreliable, inconsistent, and a maintenance nightmare. The ability to do the grouping behind the scenes is paramount to a successful implementation of the feature. If I thought that you would be relying on the CC’s to produce a list I might suggest that this is not really a fix.

Please include your contact information so we can reach you to discuss the possibilities. Feel free to email your contact information if you don't want to post it.

Shawn Flood
Institutional Analyst, HawCC